Do You Bite or Suck These Foods??

Are we so obsessed with being "normal" that we have to worry about whether we're SUCKING and BITING our food correctly?  Also, are we so immature that I can't say that sentence without you making it DIRTY?


Buzzfeed just ran a survey that asked people if they suck or bite different foods that, well, can either be sucked on and then chewed, or just immediately bitten.  Yes, plenty of those exist.  Here are their results . . .


1.  Gummy bears . . . 90% bite without sucking first.


2.  Chocolate . . . 77% bite.  23% suck on it first.


3.  Orange slices . . . 73% bite.  27% suck.


4.  Ice cubes . . . 50% bite.  50% suck.


5.  Altoids . . . 25% bite.  75% suck.


6.  Popsicles . . . 24% bite.  76% suck.


7.  Lollipops . . . 16% bite.  84% suck.


8.  Hard candies . . . 13% bite.  87% suck. 



Originally posted on February 10th, 2017

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