Bartender Gets a Lottery Ticket as a Tip, Leads to a $100,000 Jackpot

A Bartender Gets a Lottery Ticket as a Tip, and It Leads to a $100,000 Jackpot


  A 32-year-old bartender in Baltimore was working recently when one of her customers left two lottery tickets as a tip.  They were both scratch-offs, and one of them hit for 10 bucks.


So on her way home that night, she stopped at a gas station, and used the money to buy a $10 ticket.  Which is usually a bad idea.  But in this case it paid off. 


Because she scratched it off when she got home . . . and ended up winning a HUNDRED GRAND.


Her name hasn't been released.  But she says she woke her stepdaughter up to check the ticket and make sure she wasn't crazy.  Then she started crying when she found out it was real.


She recently totaled her car in an accident.  So now instead of another beater, she's planning to get something nice.  And she'll use the rest of the money to pay off debt . . . build up her savings . . . and take a small vacation. 




(Back before he only played characters with anger issues, NICOLAS CAGE was in a 1994 movie called "It Could Happen to You" where he didn't have cash to tip a waitress, but had a lottery ticket.  So he offered to split the money if he won anything, and it hit for $4 million.  Here's the scene where he tells her they won.)

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