#TRENDING 10/05/23: The Era of COVID Vaccination Cards Is Over

The Era of COVID Vaccination Cards Is Over


Remember when you couldn't go anywhere without flashing your COVID-19 vaccine card? Well, end of an era: The CDC announced they've stopped printing them.


The vaccines aren't being distributed by the federal government anymore, and we're well past the point of bars and restaurants needing them. So they decided there's no reason to print new ones anymore.


Since late 2020, they sent out around a BILLION of them to doctors, pharmacies, and clinics around the country.


They can still be used as proof of vaccination. So they suggest hanging onto yours and keeping it with your other medical records.  (Or just hang onto it as a fun memento to show your grandkids you survived the APOCALYPSE!)


If you lost yours . . . (or burned it in protest) . . . the place you got vaccinated probably has a record of it. A lot of states also have digital records you can access online.


This doesn't mean the CDC wants you to skip your booster, by the way. They say everyone should get it for the holidays, especially older adults and people with compromised immune systems. 


(ABC News)

Originally posted on October 5th, 2023

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